Heroes has finally published it's amazing 12th issues, and guess what? This magazine is packed with brilliant articles. Here is a taster of what you shall find inside...
ARTICLES: Exclusive Interview With Greg Grunberg (Matt Parkman), An interview with Heroes casting director Natalie Hart and An interview with co-executive producer Adam Armus + MUCH MORE!!! NOTE: There shall be some spoilers below from the magazine, please switch windows if you do not want to see...
Interview With Greg Grunberg (Matt Parkman) SPOILER:
HEROES MAGAZINE: A few months ago, your childhood pal Jesse Alexander said you used to run a frozen yogurt delivery service. Even back then, were you harboring dreams of becoming a Hollywood actor?
GREG GRUNBERG: I've wanted to be an actor my whole life. Growing up, I would do community theater. In elementary school, I was Tom Sawyer [in a school show]. I was always that kid who wanted to either play sports or act, so I've always known I had the bug.
I never thought of it as a career until I realized I had to take a chance on this. It was right after college that I decided now was the time. I opened a frozen yogurt store with my Dad on Melrose Avenue [in LA] - I've always had the business bug in me. I was sharing an apartment with [Lost creator] J.J. Abrams and I didn't know whether I was going to write or act. I was actually Joel Silver's personal driver for a year. I was doing everything I could possibly do, so it was either take acting seriously now, or never.
Interview With Natalie Hart (SPOILER):HEROES MAGAZINE: How did you get into the casting side of the business?
NATALIE HART: Jason La Padura and I are brother and sister. Many, many years ago, I was working in the music industry and he was working as an independent casting director. He went into business with another man he had known for a long time. Jason was watching me knock myself out being a music manager so he said, "Look, if you're going to work that hard, why don't you come work with me?" I said, "Okay!" So I started working with Jason and was his assistant for many years before eventually becoming his associate and then his partner.
Interview With Adam Armus (SPOILER):
HEROES MAGAZINE: Last year was a challenging one for the writers, with some strong critical feedback about the Fugitives volume. What has all that meant for the team's approach and focus in Fugitives?
ADAM ARMUS: Honestly, it's really about bringing the humanity back to the show. The dependency on shows like this is to get wound up in the machinations and the mystique of what's going on. But what we are finding is that our most successful episodes, and the stories that we all like the best, are the ones that focus on our characters and gives them human problems. The idea of Fugitives is a sort of reset and getting back to who the heroes are again. It's no longer about dealing with The Company and their agenda. It's about protecting ourselves and finding ourselves and helping ourselves. It's been the impetus for this arc and it's allowed us to tell some really nice dramatic stories.
What are the main themes of the volume?Fugitives has a strong component of reconnecting the heroes to where they came from and who they are as people. Of course, there is the story about the government going after our heroes, which is the drive of the volume, but our characters will have their moments and discussions about who they are, what they are and what is at stake for them personally - not just the world.
Overall, a thrilling adventure, even for a magazine. However don't get too excited folks as the price is $6.99 (Round About £6.) Very expensive!